Iron Bonehead takes out of the hat hidden realities to most appassionate listener of this genre, and we’re talking again of that Death/Thrash, influenced also by Doom, which strictly refers to what was created in america at the end of the eighties. The argentinian Infernal Curse dive deeply on the filthiest of the genre in a whirl of sounds, buzzes and groans that create an infernal halo behind notes of our guys. Although its production is rather crude and saturated of gain, there’s not a lack of clarity when it’s time to savor mid tempos; “Water In Phlageton” is the best track of the EP and it can perfectly compile the whole arsenal of solution of the combo. There is something satanic in their blast beat moments, when cymbals and double-kick merge together in a less defined but powerful maelstrom, the snare is confused but vivid. In the end, saturated voice on the chorus gives us something traditional of these tracks, which increases the emphasis of the work. Kiss of deaths given by a soloist section in the style of Morbid Angel: coordinated with drum’s up-tempos can give that energic propulsion to those tracks which dive in extreme sonorities to be harmless sometimes, and the solistic section wakes up from the coma the less attentive listeners.
Too often the duality between extremely slow and extremely fast creates pipe-dreams not to easy to tame: Infernal Curse know their tools and created a pack of elite tracks but pleasant though, and it doesn’t need to be listened too much to be assimilated. Without leaving memories, but with honesty and lot of invention “The End Upon Us” is of valuable tailoring and the argentinian power-trio should be proud of it.[Translated by Alberto Olivi]
Troppo spesso la dualità tra l'estremamente lento e l'estremamente veloce crea delle chimere non molto addomesticabili, nel caso degli Infernal Curse la conoscenza dei mezzi ha consentito alla band di creare un pacchetto di tracce si molto elitarie a livello di ascoltatori ma comunque gradevoli e non pretendenti dozzine di ascolti prima dell'assimilazione. Senza lasciare nemmeno grandi ricordi, c'è da dirlo, ma con onestà ed una buona dose di inventiva "The End Upon Us" è una uscita di pregevole fattura ed il power-trio Argentino ne può andare fiero
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