is not always a synonym of improvement. Artistic evolution not always product
something good. Ruining a thing that was so good before the change is simply
terrible. Structures have failed, no doubt. It is so sad, because this young
Canadian band, which have started with “Divided By”, made me hope for a second
ass-kicking album. But that’s not what I expected: the 2nd full
length “Life Through a Window” is a total flaw.
Let’s start with saying that the most annoying thing is the singing: so boring and not exciting. It seems that the voice is put just for fill the album, given the fact that the original vocalist has departed and his substitute, a guitarist from the band, has taken his role, doing it not so well.
Also, the band said that the breakdown that opens “Buried” would recall the numeric sequence of the coordinates where Walter White (from AMC’s Breaking Bad) bury his money: “ 3 4 5 9 2 1 6 3 6 5 2”. Oh, cool. So what the hell?? What counts is that you would not expect such a breakdown from Structures.
“Life through a window” is more hardcore than the first album, but things did not go very well, as we can see. Though, there are some small parts which are inspired and nice, but you can count ‘em on your hand. The only positive thing is Drew’s performance, the drummer: he is the only one who is trying to keep up the good work with complex rhythmic sections. I’d also say that the only tracks that means something is “The Worst of Both Words” in which everything works fine, but the rest of the album, even if you love Structures, you can’t find anything which is worth something.
Let’s start with saying that the most annoying thing is the singing: so boring and not exciting. It seems that the voice is put just for fill the album, given the fact that the original vocalist has departed and his substitute, a guitarist from the band, has taken his role, doing it not so well.
Also, the band said that the breakdown that opens “Buried” would recall the numeric sequence of the coordinates where Walter White (from AMC’s Breaking Bad) bury his money: “ 3 4 5 9 2 1 6 3 6 5 2”. Oh, cool. So what the hell?? What counts is that you would not expect such a breakdown from Structures.
“Life through a window” is more hardcore than the first album, but things did not go very well, as we can see. Though, there are some small parts which are inspired and nice, but you can count ‘em on your hand. The only positive thing is Drew’s performance, the drummer: he is the only one who is trying to keep up the good work with complex rhythmic sections. I’d also say that the only tracks that means something is “The Worst of Both Words” in which everything works fine, but the rest of the album, even if you love Structures, you can’t find anything which is worth something.
Surely an unexpected flop, which
makes us very sad. Maybe some of you will enjoy their change, but in my
opinion, there is nothing to do: the hand on the album’s cover that cleans the
dusty window stands as a metaphor of their past skills
that are gone leading the group in an abyss of mediocrity. [Translated by Lorenzo Naturale]
Non sempre ci si evolve in maniera positiva. Non sempre certe nuove soluzioni artistiche vanno per il verso giusto. Creare falle cosi evidenti in una stuttura di per sé già ben performante, non è un passo indietro ma un vero e proprio balzo a ritroso su un tappeto elastico. Gli Structures hanno toppato. Niente da fare. Ed è davvero un gran peccato perché, questa giovane band canadese, con il debutto “Divided By”, mi aveva fatto molto sperare in un secondo album con i controcazzi.Ma niente:il secondo full-lenght ”Life Through A Window” rappresenta un calo artistico della band, impressionante.
Iniziamo subito col dire che, la cosa veramente, ma veramente fastidiosa dell’album, sono le vocals.: piattume cosi evidente nell’esecuzione del cantato, non la sentivo da un paio d’anni.Queste ultime sembrano messe cosi a caso da filler solo per giustificare la dipartita del vocalist originale della band e, l’operato al microfono di uno dei chitarristi che ha sostituito il cantante, è a dir poco irritante.
L’unica traccia a mio avviso davvero riuscita è “The Worst Of Both Words” in cui funziona davvero tutto,il resto dell’album, con tutto il bene che voglio agli Stuctures, non riesce davvero a spiccare.
Un flop davvero inaspettato che amareggia e non poco. Magari alcuni apprezzeranno questo “cambiamento” ma per me non c’è niente da fare: la mano che nella copertina dell’album pulisce il vetro impolverato lasciando intravedere il talento del passato, sembra a questo punto salutare la gloria per incamminarsi nella più totale mediocrità.
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