Jeff Hanneman va ricordato facendo chiasso

Qualcuno se la prese con Kerry King perchè non fece né' discorsi né tante proclamazioni della morte del suo compagno di bevute/droga/musica ma ad un anno di distanza dal decesso nonostante ne avesse l'occasione al Goldern Gods. Un anno dopo un anno dopo il chitarrista degli Slayer dice la sua riguarda quella serata a Loudwire

L'intervista a riguardo di seguito

Asked by Loudwire to go back to the day that he found out Hanneman had died, King said: "I knew he was in the hospital, I knew he was in bad shape, but nobody thought he was in that bad a shape, 'cause nobody raced to get out there. And then, you know, he was gone. And I had rehearsal that day, I had [to appear at the Revolver] Golden Gods [show in Los Angeles], where people gave me shit for not fucking blubbering on mic. But it's a celebration, even in death."

He continued: "I wanted people to celebrate. And they needed it. They needed somebody to say, 'It's okay. We're moving on.' Nobody wants anybody to go to the Golden Gods and just be a fucking downer. I dealt with what I had to [deal] with, I think I got the crowd up for it, and I think that's a good memory of Jeff for them."

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