Finally - the news we've all been waiting for. Following the insane viral success of the Wolf Of Wall Street vs Meshuggah mash-up, Leonardo DiCaprio has agreed to appear on stage with the heavy metal band. 

Earlier this year, the clip containing clips from a scene in which DiCaprio's detestable character Jordan Belfort gives a rabble rousing speech to his stockbroker employees is mixed to show him miming along to Meshuggah's heavy metal tones, while his terrifying gurn reflects the Swedish band's signature underbite pose. 

It may only be 15 seconds long, but it went on to receive millions and millions of hits. Check it out below. 

Now, Metal Underground reports that following a petition with over 10 million signatures, DiCaprio's management have confirmed at a public press conference that the Oscar non-winner has agreed to appear during the final stop in New York of Meshuggah’s recently announced summer North American tour celebrating their 25th anniversary.

The story was posted at 4.11pm yesterday, rendering it too late to be an April Fools.
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About Edoardo

YDBCN è un collettivo di persone disagiate che odia la musica
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