Today, MORIBUND RECORDS sets May 27th as the release date for WAXEN's Agios Holokauston. WAXEN is the cult solo-project of metal vet and scene legend Toby Knapp (Onward, Toby Knapp band, GODLESS RISING), and Agios Holokauston is WAXEN's first album for MORIBUND and second overall. But above all, Agios Holokauston is dark 'n' dazzling display of Knapp's songwriting acumen and technical mastery. Handling all instruments, complex 'n' coiling black metal is ripped asunder with Knapp's characteristic brand of shred, his six-string sorcery winding 'n' wending through all manner of riff catacombs yet always locating a haunting, poignant place for the listener to dwell. But no matter where WAXEN's diabolical vision goes, Knapp never loses sight of heavy metal songcraft. Behold Agios Holokauston! Cover and tracklisting are as follows:
Tracklisting for WAXEN's Agios Holokauston
1. Suicidium 4:20
2. Procession 11 5:27
3. Destined For Division 4:13
4. At War With Reason Itself 6:26
5. With Hatred Be Destroyed 4:38
6. Hollow Eyes 6:03
7. Eight The Adept 4:30
A statement from Toby Knapp reads: "Waxen is my personal, musical manifestation of the extreme negative polarity. Waxen's debut was recorded nearly a decade ago, and this follow-up Agios Holokauston was only made possible by a cloud of darkness that once again lingered over me that needed to be transformed into an artform. I recorded this in the most primitive ways to capture the true essence of black metal. Broken, tiny earphones were used as the 'microphone,' and all instruments were plugged into a 4-track and overdriven by 'maxing out' the unit itself. My aim is to reintroduce a strain of black metal that inspired me, bands like Octinomos, Algaion, early Graveland, and Craft, just to name a few."
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